
‘Jumbolino, the dancing clown’ is the third children’s storybook in the Hidden Treasure Collection; an international collection of children’s stories inspired through the work of Dr. Bafi -Yeboa with special needs children – those who are developmentally challenged and exceptional. Jumbolino, the dancing clown is published by Dr. Victoria Bafi -Yeboa, a special educator, child developmental specialist, researcher and writer.
Gabi and her Dad, Mom and friend Sara met Jumbolino the dancing clown, with his long flute and great tunes, at a circus. Gabi shared the thrill and enjoyment she had with Jumbolino the dancing clown with all her friends in a letter.

Hi guys! Here’s the story of Jumbolino, the dancing clown!

Enjoy! Sing! Dance!
See you soon for my next adventure.

Your friend,